Wednesday, May 28, 2014

At the touch of a switch!

Of course we have water and electricity here! But it takes a little effort,

Picture 1 is the hand washing station by the dining table so you are sure to wash and then touch nothing until you get your plate. Someone fills the top with hot water, it goes in the bowl which has holes punched he'd in the bottom and then drops to the lower bucket. It is used to water the lawns. I think.

Hot water for showers is available if you remember to turn on the water heater switch 40 minutes ahead of time. And remember that the taps are reversed - red is cold, blue is hot. Maybe below the equator...

Electricity comes from an outlet if you have an adapter and turn on the electricity switch - but there is no warm up. See Picture 2.

Astonishingly there is terrific WIFI everywhere including outdoors!

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