Monday, May 12, 2014


I am always amazed at the diseases we no longer think about here that still require attention in other parts of the world. For India I had a cholera vaccine. For Russia I had to test negative for HIV two weeks before leaving. Now for Tanzania, the malaria series of pills are an essential. In addition to the mosquito nets and two kinds of bug spray - one for day mosquitos and one for night mosquitos. Fortunately my flight layover is not in a Yellow Fever country or I would have needed that shot, too. So many things we take for granted here - like mosquito abatement!

I will be working in a nursery 5 days a week from 8-noon. No idea how many kids or what facilities they have. But another opportunity to share quality American cultural  experiences like Hokey Pokey...

Actually a much greater purpose is to let the teachers and community know there are Americans who value a variety of cultures and are open to working together with mutual respect. CCS teachers do not come in with all the answers (or any of the answers!), but offer support and smiles. We also do not all have Hollywood homes, massive cars, or guns! And we have come a long way from the Gone with the Wind or Titanic values, which I have found to be very popular movies and the basis for many expectations.

If I got issued a Magic Wand at the border, however, I would do something about the mosquitos!

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