Friday, June 20, 2014

The Garment District

One of the last days in Moshi - when we had even glutted out need for milkshakes! - we wandered into the area where the locals shop. Far from the tourists and most of the hawkers, there was street after street of tiny shops with displays of shoes on the outside and more indoors. Not a sidewalk sale - just business as usual in a sometimes hot climate. Interspersed were more tiny storefronts, each with sewing machine or 2 or 3 out on the sidewalk and a woman hard at work on the treadle and cloth. Here were the made to order dresses and kangas with Swahili message no one could decipher. When we asked, the shopkeeper would read back the Swahili - not a translation. This was the real business district of Moshi, and I am glad we found it.

Especially when the restaurant recommended by the locals - who never go out for African food - was right down the street. a unique combination: Indiaitalian - just like it looks. two menus - one with curry, one with pizza.

1 comment:

  1. I loved eating at that restaurant. The food was great. I miss it over there so much!

